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March 6, 2018

  • Parent-Teacher Conferences are TONIGHT from 4:00 – 7:30pm and Thursday, March 8 from 3:00 – 6:30pm.
  • MSU is offering an incredible summer internship opportunity for juniors interested in science, technology, engineering, and math.  The STEM summer internship is a paid opportunity to be mentored by MSU scientists on cutting edge research projects.  Stop by the Lancer Lounge and pick up a flyer for more information.
  • Central Michigan University is offering a three-day leadership program for current juniors and seniors who are planning to attend CMU.  This is a great opportunity to gain valuable leadership skills.  See Mrs. Brown today is you are interested in learning more about this camp.
  • Forms for the Math Olympics at SVSU are due to Mrs. Syring by TOMORROW.
  • Bullock Creek Little League will be holding umpire training sessions in March and April for students interested in umpiring in the upcoming spring season.  For more information, see the poster outside the main office.
  • Students:  If you are participating in a spring sport, you MUST have a physical on file in the athletic office.

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