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March 13, 2018

  • Did you dress up for yesterday’s Purple and Orange Spirit Day?  Thanks to everyone who dressed up and put their names in the drawing for a gift card.  Congratulations to Aubrey Brown, the winner of the first gift card.  If you participated today, there is still time to put your name in the drawing.
  • Early College students and dual enrolled students MUST read their school email that has important details about Thursday’s registration.
  • Hey Lancers!  Support our schools tomorrow by wearing Black and Gold for BC or Maroon and Silver for Stoneman Douglas High School.  Let’s show our support to those affected in the recent tragic school violence in Florida!
  • Juniors interested in Co-oping, please read your email.  If you did not receive an email from me you should see or email Mrs. Flaminio.
  • There are only a few days left to sign up for the blood drive and we need as many donors as we can get!  If you want to help save lives, sign up for the blood drive in the office today!
  • Good luck to the Band students who performed at the District 5 Band Festival this weekend!  Both the JV Band and the Varsity Band earned medals at this festival.  The JV Band earned a second division rating of “Excellent”.   The Varsity Band earned a first division rating of “Superior”.  The Varsity Band qualified for State Band Festival in May.  Congrats Band!

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