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Today at BCMS

2 H will be in room 115 (Mrs. Rinn’s) today.

Please look in the lost and found for any items you have lost, all items left on Friday will be donated.

Attention Cross Country team: Be sure to turn in your uniform to Mrs. MacLachlan’s room by the end of this week.

Remember to bring food for the food drive. You will bring them to your sixth hour class. Each grade level will get a pizza party for the class that brings the most cans.  It runs through November 16. Thank you for all your help and support to help out our community.

Attention all 7th and 8th grade students, time is running out to register for the Grand Canyon Adventure! See Mr. Brown if you have any questions!

Lunch Tomorrow: Pizza or Cook’s Choice, Green Beans, Icey Juice Bars, and Fresh Fruit & Vegetables, Milk.

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