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March 23, 2018

  • Could the following students please see Mrs. Brown at this time:  Brett Bass, Anyssa Betancourt, Tyler Crawford, Roland Davidson, Jonathan Fuller, Lila Granroth, Austin Klopcic, Ethan Klopcic, Bethany LaPrad, Ryan Ososki, and Nicholas Scheerhoorn.
  • Would you like a FREE Prom dress?  North Midland Family Center has hundreds of dresses to choose from.  They will be giving away the dresses today, 3:00pm-9:00pm and tomorrow, 10:00am-1:00pm.
  • The Drama Club is proud to present their Spring Play, A new Style for Murder.  Catch the show tonight at 7:00 or tomorrow at 5:00.  Admission is $5 at the door.
  • Co-Ops:  Did you get your time sheet turned in yet?  They’re due today!
  • Chippewa Nature Center is in search of enthusiastic teens who enjoy working with young children in an outdoor setting and want to volunteer as Nature Day Camp Counselor-in-Training (CITs).  You can pick up a flyer in the Lancer Lounge for more details.
  • If you stop in the office, you may notice a PURPLE BUS.  American Cancer Society is collecting new or gently used items to be donated to area organizations. Our goal is to fill the bus!  There is an extensive list of needs hanging by the bus, but here are a few examples: hygiene products (soap, deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste), children’s clothing (sweatpants, socks, snow pants/boots), specific food items, gas cards, and much, much more.  We will be collecting items this week and next – anything you can spare would be appreciated!

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