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BCMS Announcements – March 29, 2018

  • Have a wonderful spring break!  Classes resume on Monday, April 9th.
  • ABSOLUTE LAST DAY to turn in Track Paperwork is Friday, April 13th.
  • A physical must be on file in the office to practice on Monday, April 9th for Track.
  • Looking ahead to April….
  • April 9th – First day back from Spring Break
  • Umpire Training – Bullock Creek Little League is offering field and plate Umpire Training for 6th graders and above.  Pre-registration is required.  No experience necessary.  Contact Carol Kirk at carolkirk1@hotmail.com with questions.
    • April 14th:  3 pm – 5 pm @ Dickey Dome pre-register by April 11th
  • April 19th:  MS Dance 2:30 – 4:00.  Cost is $3.00 to enter.  Pop and pizza will also be for sale.
  • April 26th:  Half Day of school.  BCMS dismisses at 10:30 a.m.
  • April 27th:  No School

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