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BCMS Announcements – April 10, 2018

  • Tuesday, April 17th – 8th Grade M STEP Testing 7:40 – 10:10.  Students will be taking the English portion of the test.  Students need to be present for the test and arrive to school on time.  Please schedule appointments around testing so students won’t be absent.
  • Wednesday, April 18th – 8th Grade M STEP Testing 7:40 – 10:10.  Students will be taking the Math portion of the test.  Students need to be present for the test and arrive to school on time.  Please schedule appointments around testing so students won’t be absent.
  • ABSOLUTE LAST DAY to turn in Track Paperwork is Friday, April 13th.
  • Umpire Training – Bullock Creek Little League is offering field and plate Umpire Training for 6th graders and above.  Pre-registration is required.  No experience necessary.  Contact Carol Kirk at carolkirk1@hotmail.com with questions.
    • April 14th:  3 pm – 5 pm @ Dickey Dome pre-register by April 11th
  • April 19th:  MS Dance 2:30 – 4:00.  Cost is $3.00 to enter.  Pop and pizza will also be for sale.
  • April 26th:  Half Day of school.  BCMS dismisses at 10:30 a.m.
  • April 27th:  No School

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