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BCEL News and Notes 11/4/11

Hello Parents!

1- Last day of parent teacher conferences is Nov. 8th from 4:30 -8:00,
Please sign up for a time with your child’s classroom teacher.

2- We still need people to sign up for the blood drive on Nov 8th.

3- The first Family Movie Night of the year at the high school will be Nov.
11th at 7:00. The feature presentation will be Cars2.

4- BCEL once again is proud to be a drop off spot for Toys for Tots.  Our
drop off box is set up in front of the office for those wanting to donate to
this great program.

5- Save the date!  BCEL K-2 grades will have a holiday concert put on by our
music teacher Mrs. Griggs the afternoon of Dec 13th.  More details will come
in the following weeks

Thank you and have a great weekend!

Vicki Mikusko
Bullock Creek Schools
631-2418 ext 1105

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