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BCMS News & Notes

Dear BCMS Families,
I have a few important dates and bits of information to share this week.
*Thursday, April 26th – ½ day for students.  BCMS will release w/o lunch at 10:30am
*Friday, April 27th – NO SCHOOL
*MSTEP testing for 6th & 7th grades will be on MAY 1st & 2nd.  Please make every effort to have your student to school on those days and ready to do their very best.  Thank you, we appreciate the help.
*8th grade has done a wonderful job so far with their testing.  We’re very proud of the amount of time and effort they are putting into the test.  We will be anxious to see their results.
For more information about Coleman’s Agriscience open house, please see the attachment.
Have a great weekend!
Curt Moses

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