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BCMS News & Notes

Dear BCMS Families,
Let me start by saying how proud I am of our students.  They’ve put a ton of time and effort into testing and really put their heart into it this year.  Thank you for encouraging them and making sure they are here and ready to test.  Thank you.
I’m in the process of working through classrooms to congratulate the 193 students who made the honor roll this marking period.  What an accomplishment!
May 15th our track team competes at home.  The meet will begin at 4:00pm.  Stop by the HS if you’re interested in watching some great athletes compete.
Important Dates…
May 18th – ½ day for students – 10:30 dismissal for BCMS – NO lunch
May 28th – NO SCHOOL
If you’re interested in other community events, please see the attached flyers for more information.
Have a great weekend.
Curt Moses

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