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BCHS Announcement 5-14-18

May 14, 2018

Will you be 18 by November 6?  If so, you are eligible to rock this fall’s midterm election IF you register to vote and we’re going to make that super easy for you.  Bring your driver’s license to lunch on Wednesday this week and have the county clerk register you.  Registration table will be set up in the cafeteria hallway.

Hey seniors, it is time to brag about your accomplishments and scholarships!  Mrs. Brown would like to announce your scholarship success at our Awards Night.  Please see her by Wednesday afternoon to share them with her.

Seniors the end is drawing near! Have you paid for the all night party, have you paid for your graduation picture to be taken on the night of graduation, and have you purchased your flowers for those special people in your life?  If you have answered NO to any of these questions,  please pay by May 22nd to Mrs. Brown or Ms. Rinn.

Attention all students, library books are due back to the library on Friday, May 25th.  Seniors, all books MUST be returned or fines paid by May 25th.

Lunch tomorrow: Orange or Teriyaki Chicken, Brown Rice, Egg Roll, Asian Vegetable Blend, Fresh Veggies, Diced Peaches & Fresh Fruit

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