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6-7-18 – Pine River Principal News

Learn To Skate         BCMS CROSS COUNTRY          Pine River CC
Pine River Elementary Families,
Pine River’s annual Field Day/Picnic Day is fast approaching!  Thank you to the parents who have volunteered to help by supervising one of the activities.  Please look for the information from your child’s teacher regarding your arrival time for the awards that are occurring in each classroom.
  • Field Day will begin at 10:00 a.m. and will last approximately two hours.
  • Picnic will immediately follow the end of Field Day.  Please plan on bringing lawn chairs/blankets, etc.  Once you go through the food line, find a spot outside and enjoy the beautiful day.
  • Feel free to park in the area designated for busses between 8:40 a.m. – 3:15 p.m.
  • If you have not yet sent in your food donation for the picnic, please do so.
Holzhauer & Napoli – Cheese Sticks
Revell – Fruit Snacks
Fourth Grade – Little Debbie Snack Cakes
Dubuque & Horn – Granola Bars
VanCise – Fruit Snacks
Sherrie VanConant, Director of Food Service, would like to remind families to clear out any balance you may have.  If you have questions about your child’s breakfast/lunch bill, please contact Ms. VanConant: vanconants@bcreek.org
If your child is interested in participating in Cross Country at Pine River Elementary, please look over the attachment labeled Pine River CC.  Attached is a flyer for outgoing fifth graders who are interested in participating in Cross Country as a 6th grader at Bullock Creek Middle School.  A flyer from the Midland Skating Club is also attached.
THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL, JUNE 13th,  IS A HALF DAY.  STUDENTS WILL BE RELEASED AT 12:35 P.M.  It is hard to believe, but the end of the year will soon be upon us!  All students will have a lunch period prior to leaving on Wednesday, June 13.  Students who would like to purchase a lunch from the cafeteria will be allowed to do so.  Busses will be loaded by 12:35 p.m.  If you are picking up your child, please do so by 12:35 p.m.
Report cards will be sent home with students the last day of school.
We are looking forward to seeing you on Monday, June 11 for Field Day/Picnic Day.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Debra Bradford

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