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Sept. 2018 – First Day of School Info

Dear Pine River Elementary Families,
Welcome to the 2018-19 school year!  The staff at Pine River Elementary is looking forward to an exciting school year.
For those of you who will be dropping off or picking up your child, please use the driveway that is designated Visitor Driveway – it is the drive closest to Woodcock Road.  If you are planning on walking your child into the building, there is room to park in this lot.  Students can be dropped off beginning at 8:20 a.m. each day.
We want to be sure that your child arrives at the correct destination afterschool.  In order for this to happen, please be sure to send in a written note the first day of school letting your child’s teacher know if they will be a pick up, ride the bus home, or ride the bus to a specific daycare.  If your child has different plans for different days of the week, please be sure to include the specific days of the week for each plan.  Also, all bus passes need to be in writing.  Another reminder – if a student is not riding the bus, the student MUST have a written note; otherwise, the student will be placed on the bus.  Please remember this first week of school busses most likely will be late getting your child home in the afternoon.  If you need to contact transportation, please call 832-4015.
If you plan on picking up your child from Pine River Elementary at the end of the day, you will need to come into the building and sign out your child at the front desk in the office.  Then, please wait in the front hallway until your child is released from the classroomFor the safety of all and to relieve congestion in the hallway, visitors are NOT allowed to go down the hallway to a classroom to pick up a child.  If a child is needed before the end of the school day, we will have the student sent to the office.
If you need to register for Family Access to see your child’s grades and attendance, just a reminder that it is NOT open until Wednesday, September 5, 2018.  Instructions on registering for Family Access will be sent home with all 3rd graders and new students the first week of school.
If you have questions regarding drop off, pick up, bus passes, etc., please contact the office either through email – kruegera@bcreek.org or by phone 631-5121.  If the phone is not answered and your call is transferred to voicemail, please leave a message.  When emailing changes for pick up or other specific details regarding absences, appointments, etc., please be sure to always include your child’s teacher and Mrs. Krueger.
Have a great day!
Debra Bradford

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