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9-9-18 Principal News

Pine River Elementary Families,
I want to thank everyone – students, parents, Pine River Staff and volunteers for helping to make the first week of school awesome!
The school day at Pine River Elementary is 8:40 a.m. – 3:40 p.m.  Students who are not riding the bus and are a pick up will be released from the classroom at 3:40 p.m.
When your child is absent due to an appointment, please be sure to ask for an excuse note from the doctor’s office.  Absences with a doctor’s note will not count toward truancy days.  If your child is ill and will not be attending school, please call the office and let us know.  If the phone is not answered, please leave a message.
Our first Curriculum Night with fourth grade parents was well attended…thank you to all who were able to participate.
Tuesday, September 11th, Nature First will host Curriculum Night in the library for the first grade parents.  On Thursday, September 13, Third Grade teachers will present information during their Curriculum Night.  All third grade teachers will start in the gym.  Both events begin at 5:30 p.m.
This Friday will be the district’s first ½ day of school with students.  Pine River Elementary students will be dismissed at 12:05 p.m.  Lunch will be provided before school is dismissed.  If you are planning on picking up your child, pick up time will be at 12:05 p.m.
I have attached the following flyers:
  • Internet Safety:  Protect Young Eyes – Defending Kids from Online Danger will be presented to parents on September 17th @ Trinity Lutheran Church.  Registration is required by September 12.
  • Bullock Creek Women’s Volleyball Clinic on September 21st for 2nd – 6th grade girls.
  • Bullock Creek Youth Bowling League.
Have a wonderful week!
Debra Bradford

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