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2018 Christmas Assistance Program


The Salvation Army

2018 Christmas Assistance Program

October 16th-18th, 23rd-25th, 30th, 31st, & November 1st

The Salvation Army’s Christmas Assistance Program is intended to help Mid- land County residents who would otherwise be unable to provide Christmas gifts to their children. Christmas Assistance is given through the distribution of toys, coats, & the Adopt-a-Family Program. Senior citizens age 60 & over and disabled adults with no minor children, who meet the income guidelines, are eligible to receive a gift card to a local grocery store for holiday meal assis- tance.

To qualify for The Salvation Army’s Christmas Assistance Program, you must register during sign-up, meet income guidelines and have legal physical custody of the children in your household who are 17 years old and younger, and bring the required documentation in with you when you register.

Required Documentation for 2018 Christmas Assistance
To apply for assistance you must have all of the following documents with


  • ·  Valid personal identification with your CURRENT Midland County address for ALL adults in household.
  • ·  Identification for all dependents in the home – Anything to validateEVERY INDIVIDUAL in the household.
  • ·  Proof of custody required in cases involving separation, divorce, guardianship and foster care.
  • ·  Current Consumer’s Energy Bill or Rent Receipt – Bills must con- tain the name and address of the individual applying for assistance.
  • ·  Proof of All Household Income. Pay stubs, Child Support Statement,Social Security, SSI, SSDI, DHS Statement, Unemployment/Workman’s Comp, etc.

    You must have all the information listed above at the time of your application. Your ap- plication will not be processed without the required documentation.


Please See Attached Flyer:

Christmas Assistance 2018 Flyer – Half Page


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