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BCHS Announcement 9/19/18

September 19, 2018

The Michigan Prize Competition is coming! The MMPC, as it’s known, is a two part test with $20,000 in scholarship money available for you to win. Scholarships range from $250 to $2,500! Part 1 is a 40 question multiple choice test and will be given on October 9th at the high school. The $4 participation cost will be covered. If you are interested in taking the MMPC, please sign up with Mrs. Syring or through your math teacher by Friday, September 21st.

Seniors – College Night is next Tuesday the 25th at Northwood University from 6-7:30 PM.

U of M – Ann Arbor will be here on Wednesday, September 26th at 12:30. Please sign up in the counseling office.

Attention softball players – Open hitting on Wednesdays and Sundays will start next Wednesday, September 26th and Sunday, September 30th.

There will be a HERO meeting this Friday after school until 3:45 in the Distance Learning Room. This is a judgement free space where all are welcome!

Hey all who are on homecoming court: Just a reminder that your surveys need to be turned in by this Friday to Trenton Berry, Maddie Griffin, Mrs. Syring or Mrs. DuBois. Gentlemen on court, remember to get fitted for your tuxes at Men’s Warehouse by this Friday or risk not having a tux for homecoming!

Hey Lancers – Homecoming tickets will go on sale this Thursday, September 20th through next Thursday, September 27th at both lunches. Tickets are $20 per couple and $12 for a single. You must sign the dance agreement form before purchasing your tickets and if you are bringing a guest from another school, they must be of high school age and you must have the permission slip completed before buying tickets. Tickets will not be sold of Friday of next week – so get your tickets soon!! Don’t wait until the last day!!

Homecoming kick-off weekend is upon us! Come out to watch the powderpuff game on Saturday, September 22nd at 6 PM. Admission is $2 and no sports passes will be accepted. After the game join your class for our second annual hallway decorating competition! Hallway decorating will go from approximately 7 PM and will end promptly at 9 PM. Fire up for HOMECOMING!!

It’s that time of year again and Spirit Week is coming! Our Homecoming theme this year is ‘Party in the USA’ and each class chose a road trip destination. Starting on Monday, September 24th we will begin our week recognizing these destinations! Points will be given by your first hour teachers and awarded to your class totals. Win that spirit flag for your hallway!!

Monday is Broadway Day to honor the freshmen destination of New York. Dress as your favorite Broadway Star or Broadway Show!

To recognize the sophomore destination of Idaho, wear your flannel for Tater Tuesday!

Wednesday will be Beach Day to recognize the junior destination of California – keep it school appropriate, people!

The senior class chose Nevada’s Las Vegas for their road trip destination. Show off your Glitz & Glam on Thursday!

And to stick with tradition, Friday will be Black and Gold Day!

Fire Up Lancers and earn your class spirit points!!

Lunch tomorrow: Asian Day Entree, Rice, Vegetable Egg Roll, Hot Asian Medley Veggies & Mandarin Oranges.

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