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BCHS Announcement 9/26/18

September 26, 2018

For today only, ASI will begin at 3:00 and will run until 4:15 in Mrs. Sawicki’s room, 6D.

Attention students that have picked up applications for Big Brother Big Sisters.  Please get your applications completed and turned in to the guidance office ASAP.  Be sure to sign up for an interview time when you are there.

Students on homecoming court!! There will be a halftime run through tomorrow, Thursday the 27th right after school on the football field. See you there!

There will NOT be a Hero meeting this Friday due to the homecoming parade.  Again, this week’s Hero meeting is cancelled.

The rookie introduction meeting will take place in room 7B (Ms. Doud’s room) at 3pm on Monday, October 1st. It is open to anyone who might be interested in robotics.

Help support the sophomore class and show your BC spirit by purchasing black and gold bead necklaces. They will be sold at both lunches Thursday and Friday for $1 each.

Hey spirited Lancers!! Here are the results for flannel day or Tater Tuesday!!  In fourth place are the juniors, in third place…the freshmen, in second place…the sophomores and the seniors win Tuesday’s spirit day!  The results of today’s “Glitz and Glam Day” will be announced tomorrow!

Let’s rev up that positive Lancer spirit!!  Here are the current standings for the homecoming spirit competition…
     In fourth place are the juniors–c’mon, juniors!!…
     In third place are the freshmen…
     The sophomores are in third (great job!!) and that leaves
     The seniors currently in front of the pack!!  (Whoot whoot!!)
Remember…there are two more spirit days and of course the float competition will factor in as well!  Spirit competition winners will be announced at halftime of Friday night’s homecoming game.  There is still time!!  Capture the spirit flag for your hallway!!  Fire up, Lancers!!
Let’s head to the beach tomorrow for the spirit day California Beach Day–school appropriately please!!
Friday, as always, is BLACK & GOLD DAY!! Show your school spirit and wear your Lancer apparel!!
Lunch tomorrow: French Toast Sticks, Sausage, Hash Browns, Cheeseburger, Fresh Fruit & Applesauce Jello.

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