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9-27-18 Principal News

Flyers:  Labels BB Camp
Pine River Elementary Families,
I wanted to let you know of the different items that we collect at Pine River Elementary as small fundraisers that only cost you the time of clipping out a label or saving a Coke cap.  I have attached a flyer that lists the different items we do collect throughout the school year.  We have a Box Tops & Aunt Millie’s Spirit label Contest occurring now through October 19.
Tomorrow concludes Spirit Week at the elementary.  The theme for Friday will be to dress in black and gold to support the Lancers!
Attached is the Winter Basketball Camp information for elementary students.
Homecoming Parade/Game Information
The following information is from Todd Gorsuch, Principal of Bullock Creek High School, regarding the Homecoming Parade on Friday, September 28 and other Homecoming activities:
Homecoming Parade – Friday, September 28 – Begins at 4:30 p.m. from the corner of Stewart and Patterson Roads. Anyone in the Parade should arrive at the Parade route by 4:15 p.m.
There will be a shuttle bus that will transport people in the Parade from the high school to the beginning of the Parade route. The busses will begin to transport people at 3:45 p.m. and the last bus will leave at 4:15 p.m.  If you or your student is walking in the Parade, this is a great way to get to the Parade route, avoid the Parade traffic, and not have to worry about your car.
The busses will leave from in front of the main office area.  If you drive to the Parade route, please do not drive down Patterson Road.  This is where all of the floats set up and cars should not be driving on this road.  There is also limited parking at the church on the corner of Stewart and Patterson.
After the Parade, please join us for some tailgating food.  There will be several food trucks set up in the high school parking lot, near the auditorium.
The Homecoming football game is against Freeland and begins at 7:00 p.m.
Hope to see you at Homecoming!
Debra Bradford

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