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10/11/18 – Principal News

Pine River Elementary Families,
I wanted to remind you that tomorrow, Friday, October 12, will be a ½ day of school for students.  Students will be released at 12:05 p.m.  Lunch will be served before students are released.
Dinner for Pine River Elementary Families!
The congregation of Homer United Methodist Church knows how difficult it can be to feed your family at a reasonable hour on the night of Parent Teacher Conferences.  They are serving a free dinner for Pine River Elementary families on both Parent Teacher Conference evenings (October 22 and 25) from 4:30 – 6:30 p.m. at Homer United Methodist Church on the corner of Homer Road and East Prairie.  The church members hope to see you there! (Note the change in time from my previous communication).
If you have visited Pine River in the last two days, you will have noticed the new entrance security system is in place to allow people into the main office once the school day has begun.  There is a door pad inside the main entrance vestibule, located to the right of the main office entrance.  Visitors will need to push the blue doorbell button before being allowed into the main office.  All schools in the district now have this system in place.  Please be patient as we work through this new procedure.  This is another level of increased security for the students and staff in our buildings.
Attached you will find a brochure on the School Resource Officer and another flyer on Christmas Assistance through the Salvation Army.
We look forward to seeing you at Parent Teacher Conferences on October 22 and October 25.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Debra Bradford

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