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BCMS News & Notes

Dear BCMS Families,
Here are a few quick reminders of things going on in the next week or so…
1. MSTEP Parent reports were sent home this week.  If you have not yet seen your child’s report, please ask them about it.  If you have any questions about interpreting the report, please call me.
2. 8th GRADE PARENTS ONLY – An email was sent to you earlier in the week regarding the CSC presentation on November 5th (8th grade students only).  A hard copy was also sent home this week as well.  If you’re interested in knowing the content of the presentation, the Judges of Midland County will be hosting a Parents’ night at Jefferson Middle School on October 30th@ 7pm.
3. Picture retakes have been scheduled for November 1st.
4. A message from food service…
Dear Parents,

We are now past the 30 mark of School.  If you have not turned in a free and reduced application there is still time to do so.  If your child was free or reduced last year and you notice they are not as of yesterday that means we have nothing on file either from you or from
the state letting us know your child may need a free or reduced lunch.  The state does give us a list of Free and Reduced students and updates us monthly if your child receives help from the state in some form, in that case you would not need to fill out a form.
If you have received an email stating you are good for this year disregard this email.  If you begin seeing charges on your student’s lunch that means we don’t have anything on file for this year for them to have a free lunch or reduced and they have come off the list after a 30
day grace period for the beginning of the year.  If you have questions please contact me.  Students that are now at Middle School that were from Floyd could change due to not being in the CEP program.  Check your students lunch records on skyward.  Hit the Food
Service button and you can learn if they are owing money.

Sherrie VanConant
5. NO SCHOOL on November 6th
6.  Halloween at BCMS.  Students are welcome to dress up and enjoy the day.  Please make sure all costumes are ‘school appropriate’.  That means all costumes must still meet the dress code.  No blood and guts, weapons or masks.
7.  End of the first marking period is November 2nd.
Please see attached flyers for events happening in the community.
Have a great weekend.

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