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BCMS Announcements – November 12, 2018

Report cards were sent home with all students today.  They were passed in the student’s AC class.

Cookie Dough Order Pick-up!!

  • Cookie dough pick up will be on Wednesday, November 14th in the BCMS library from 2:30 – 5:00 p.m.  Students need to make arrangments to have cookie dough picked up that day.
  • The BCMS Food Drive will take place until November 16th.  The food you bring in will help make sure that families in our district are able to have delicious food on their table during the holidays. Students, please remember to bring in non-perishable food items to your AC.  When you bring in 10 items you will earn those special “Kindness Coins” for extra prizes.  Student Council – aka The Kindness Crew –  will be around to pick up food from the ACs as items come in.  Also, don’t forget that ABC 12 will be here the week of Thanksgiving so it’s more important than ever that you start bringing in food.  We want to win the Spirit Cup!!!
  • November 21st – 23rd – Thanksgiving break.  Classes resume on Monday, November 26th.

Looking ahead to December...

  • December 4th – Half Day!  BCMS dismisses at 10:30 a.m.
  • December 13th – MS Dance!  The dance will take place after school until 4 p.m.  Cost is $3 to enter and pop and pizza will be for sale.  Pop is 50 cents per cup and pizza is $1.50 per slice.
  • December 24th – First day of Winter Break.  Classes resume on January 3, 2019.

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