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BCMS News & Notes

Dear BCMS Families,
Last Tuesday ABC 12 News came to visit BCMS for their ‘School Spirit’ segment.  They highlighted our food drive and commitment to our community.  Our families have been very generous in donating food and we had 4,200 lbs of food at the time of taping.  We have added significantly to that total already.  We’re excited that our donations will benefit those in our community.
I want to be sure everyone had an opportunity to see our segment.  I was very proud of our students, they did a wonderful job and really showed everyone that Bullock Creek Middle School is the best!
If you missed the program early Friday morning and would like to see it, below is the link to the ABC 12 website.  There are 4 video segments highlighting the food collection, band, robotics, and student council.
Have a wonderful day and stay safe.
Curt Moses


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