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BCHS Announcement 11-30-18

November 30, 2018

Attention seniors – the following three announcements are for you, so listen up!

Did you know that when you complete your FAFSA, your name is automatically entered to win a Keurig Coffee Maker? File by Friday, December 14th for your chance to win!

Your baby pictures need to be given to Karine Pratt, Allison Woollard, or Mrs. Discher by Christmas Break!! Tell your parents to dig out the cutest baby pictures by December 21st.

Lastly, graduation will be here before we know it! Make sure you turn in your senior slideshow pictures. We need pictures from preschool to present. Please give a hard copy or send in an email to Allison Woollard, Ella Lindgren, Mrs. Discher or anyone on the yearbook staff.

The Home Builders Association is looking for students interested in trades related to home building such as electrician, plumber, and carpenter, to join the Trades Exploring Post. The next meeting is Saturday, December 8 at 12:00pm at Orvosh Builders on PoseyvilleRoad.  If you are interested in more information, stop by the Lancer Lounge for a flyer.

BCHS will be offering the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery – ASVAB free of charge to juniors and seniors on Friday, December 21.  Stop by the Counseling Center to register for this assessment.

The time has come, Lancers, to hold the annual food drive to help local families. We will be running it thru next Thursday, December 6th. Please collect non-perishable food items and toiletries for your 6th hour classes. NHS students will be collecting them each day after school and counting points to figure class percentages. This year the point system is different – 5 points for toiletries; 3 points for boxed items and 1 point for canned food. The class with the highest point average will get a pizza. There will be prizes for 2nd and 3rd place as well.

Ho-ho-ho everyone! Show your holiday and school spirit by ordering a cool shirt! Order forms have been emailed out by Mr. Gorsuch, but they can also be found in the office. All order forms need to be turned in to the main office or Mr. Korson by Thursday, Dec. 6th and money will be collected with the orders. Orders will be filled before the holiday break!

Lunch Monday: Max Sticks w/Marinara, Cheeseburger, Carrots & Dip and Tropical Fruit Mix.

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