Dear BCMS Families,
We have a lot going on in the next couple of weeks here at school. Let me share some important information and dates.
1. January 18th – 8th grade students will be participating in our annual ‘Reality Store’ program.
2. January 24th – End of marking period 2/semester – ½ day for students. Dismissal at 10:30 for BCMS, no lunches will be served.
3. January 25th – NO SCHOOL
4. February 5th – Freshman orientation & Incoming freshman parent meeting (more information to come)
5. February 7th – Parent/teacher conferences 4-7:30pm
6. February 11th – Parent/teacher conferences 3-6:30pm
7. February 15th – NO SCHOOL
*Boys basketball season is just beginning. Good luck to our middle school athletes!
*I see that those actors/actresses who auditioned for the MS play now have been assigned parts. I look forward to seeing the show on February 28th @7pm.
Please see attachments for Baseball/Softball sign ups as well as program information from the Chippewa Nature Center.
Have a great week.
Curt Moses