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BCMS News & Notes

Dear BCMS Families,
We have now reached the halfway point in the school year and this marks the end of the first semester.  Report cards will be sent home with students on Monday, February 4th.
Today is a scheduled ½ day for BCMS, we will release students at 10:30am.  NO SCHOOL tomorrow, January 25th.
I sent a survey out today via email.  Please take the time to complete this 14 question survey, it’s helpful to be able to get feedback.  We appreciate it very much.
February 5th we have Freshman orientation at the high school.  Our 8th grade will leave the building at 11:30 and head to the high school.  They will spend the rest of the day learning about what the high school has to offer and how scheduling will work for them.  They will be released from the HS to go home at 2:40.  Students who ride the bus will ride home from there.  Those students who need to get picked up, please make arrangements to pick up your student from the HS office.
Please see attachments for community events.
Have a great weekend.
Curt Moses


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