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BCMS News & Notes

Dear BCMS Families,
It’s been a crazy week with some record-setting temperatures.  Now it looks like temps are going to swing back in the other direction for the next few days.  While we miss having the kids in school this week, safety is our first priority and we look forward to seeing everyone back in school on Monday.
Just a couple of things to share out today.
1.  FRESHMAN ORIENTATION at the high school on Tuesday.  This is for parents of our current 8th grade students.  Please see the attached letter for additional information.
2.  Parent/Teacher conferences for BCMS on Thursday, February 7th 4:00-7:30pm & Monday, February 11th 3-6:30pm.  Historically, the shortest wait times have been during the last half of the first night and any time the second night.  Please make this a priority to come and visit with your child’s teachers.  Our school to home contact is very important to us and we look forward to seeing everyone over the course of the two nights.
3.  SURVEY REMINDER – Feel free to complete the survey for each one of your children who attend BCMS, particularly if they’ve had very different experiences.
*Please take a couple of minutes to complete the following survey.  We value your input and find it important as we work to continuously improve our school.  This short survey will provide feedback we can then use to refine classwork, homework, extracurricular activities and school/home communications.  Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.
4.  This past week will delay report cards being sent home.  Please look for your child to being them home on Monday, February 11th.
5.  BCMS Dance – February 14th 2:30-4:00
6.  NO SCHOOL on Friday, February 15th
See attachments for additional information on community events.
Have a great weekend!

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