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BCHS Announcements 2-8-19

February 8, 2019

REMEMBER: King of the Road Driving School will NOT have class today.

Attention Junior Class Officers & Reps:  There will be a meeting TODAY in Room 6A to discuss our grant money!  Please be there!

Do you have a book checked out from the library? Chances are…IT IS OVERDUE!! Overdue library books need to be taken care of ASAP!

Due to this crazy weather, Valentine Flowers will be sold during lunches on Monday and Tuesday next week.  Carnations will be $1.00 a piece.

Do you like Olive Garden? Do you have some spare change in your pocket? Donate to the pennies for pasta fundraiser, you will find a box in your sixth hour. The sixth hour with the highest money per person ratio will win an Olive Garden Pasta party. The goal for the whole school is to raise $800, you might have noticed big blue letters on the trophy can by the cafeteria, as we get closer to our goal, we will take down a letter. Donate within the next two weeks to help erase cancer.

The Delta College Accuplacer test will be held @ BCHS on March 5th. Please go to the Counseling Office if you would like to sign up to take the test.

Seniors, you have just three weeks left to file your FAFSA. We are currently at 47% FAFSA completion. If our school reaches 60% FAFSA completion, every senior who filed the FAFSA will win a pair of earbud headphones!

Lunch Monday: Max Sticks & Marinara, Chicken on a bun, Cooks Choice, Carrots & Dip and Tropical Fruit.

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