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BCHS Announcements 2-20-19

February 20, 2019

Seniors, do you need help with scholarships or the FAFSA? Come to our Workshop this Friday during lunch in the library. We will have snacks and be giving away great prizes, including a Starbucks gift card!

Attention HERO members- Max, Mrs. Hahn, and Mr. Korson will be leading this week’s meeting held Friday after school. We will be reading reviews and spending money to buy books that will be dedicated in your honor. It will be a fun meeting that you won’t want to miss!

Lancers, come on out Friday night to the benefit for 7th grade student Deacon Orlowski. For the Silent Auction there will be lots of cool things to bid on like a kayak, hotel stays, gift cards, and an X-Box game. During both half times you will have a chance to try your luck at making a basket and winning a prize in our Half-Time Shoot Out. Come show some Lancer love to Deacon and his family.

Seniors, there is still plenty of time to get your applications in for the Midland Area Community Foundation Scholarships.  Visit www.midlandfoundation.org before the March 1st deadline.

The Delta College Accuplacer test will be held @ BCHS on March 5th. Please go to the Counseling Office if you would like to sign up to take the test.

Did you know that every 9 minutes, someone in the US dies from leukemia? You can help change this statistic by donating to Pennies for Pasta. We can reach our goal of $800 if everyone donates $2. This is our last week to donate and if we reach our goal, then the winning class gets to pick a representative to give a staff member a pie in the face. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity and donate today.

Lastly, we’d like to CONGRATULATE Mr. Milligan and his wife on the birth of their little boy, Alec!

Lunch Thursday: Mac & Cheese w/Pretzel, Cheeseburger, Vegetable Medley and Mandarin Oranges.

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