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BCMS News & Notes

Dear BCMS Families,
I have several bits of information I need to share with you this week.
1.  A fundraiser for Deacon Orlowski and his battle against cancer will take place during the varsity basketball games tomorrow night at the high school.  The silent auction will begin around 5:30 and ball games at 6:00.  We’re asking everyone to wear something blue on Friday to support Deacon.  There are several ways to support Deacon tomorrow night and  I hope to see everyone there!
2.  Thank you to all the families that attended BCMS conferences.  It’s great to have a chance to talk to parents and students.  Our staff really appreciates the opportunity to make a connection.
3.  BCMS drama students will be performing ‘The Mighty Armadillos’ at the HS auditorium on February 28th and March 2nd for the public.  See attachment for more details.
4.  BCMS students will be traveling to the high school on March 1st to see our students perform the play.  We will leave for the HS at 12:45 and then be dismissed from there at 2:30.  Please make arrangements to pick your child up from the HS or they will need to ride the bus home from there.
5.   BCMS Track and Field sign-ups will be next week in the office.  Please ask your student to sign up in the office next week if they’re interested in running track.
6.  The equestrian team will be having a meeting in the cafeteria of the middle school on February 25th @ 6:30.
Have a great rest of the week!
Curt Moses

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