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BCMS News & Notes

Dear BCMS Families,
We have a few things going on in the next couple of weeks.  Let me share some important information and dates.
1.  Attention 8th grade parents . . . . All 8th grade students will be taking the PSAT test on April 9th.  It is extremely important that all 8th graders be in school that day as testing will take place most of the day.  Please make sure that students are getting a good night sleep the night before the test and are eating a good breakfast the morning of the test.  Also . . . . please make EVERY effort to avoid scheduling outside appointments on this day.  Please plan ahead to avoid conflicts.
2.  Tryouts for Middle School Club Softball are Thursday, March 7th from 5:30- 7:30 in the Dickey Dome.  The Dickey Dome is the “hitting building” right next to the left field fence of the varsity baseball field.  Please arrive a few minutes early.  Also, a mandatory parent meeting will be held for the first 15 minutes.
3.  TRACK: Track sign-ups will remain open until April 5. Official practice starts Tuesday, April 8. Track is open to all 6th-8th grade boys and girls. No experience required and mulit-sport athletes are welcome. See the attached information packet for more details. Optional track conditioning starts Monday, March 11. Students need to turn in a sports physical and the emergency sheet to participate.
4.  Good luck to our band student and their festival this weekend at BCMS!
5.  Congratulations to our MS actors and actresses on a fantastic play.  Nice work.
6.  Spring break March 21-April 1st. Students return to classes on April 2nd.
Have a great weekend!
Curt Moses

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