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BCHS Announcements 3-21-19

March 21, 2019

ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS!! See any garbage cans in the hallways? Time to start cleaning the trash out of your lockers! Remember- if you use a locker in one of the locker rooms, that needs to be COMPLETELY emptied! This includes athletes that are in season right now!! Items that are left will be thrown out – you’ve been warned!

Students interested in taking an AP Exam must sign up and submit payment by tomorrow. Stop by the Counseling Office to sign up.

Attention HERO members- Our meeting tomorrow will be led by Lilly and feature a fun and educational rendition of BINGO! It will be right after school in Mr. Korson’s room. Come down and join the fun!

Seniors, if you haven’t already done so, check your Bullock Creek email and fill out the survey regarding Decision Day.

If you are a senior planning to study Agriculture, Pre-Vet Medicine, Horticulture, Environmental Science, or Forestry, please see Mrs. Brown today for a scholarship opportunity.

The Greater Midland’s North Family Center Share the Memories prom dress event is scheduled for April 5th from 3-9 pm and on April 6th from 9 am-1 pm.  A set of our prom tickets will be given away to a lucky person!

Any artistic Seniors out there? Are you interested in creating the hallway Shield for the Class of 2019?  If so, then get your shield drawing to Mrs. Murray or Ms. Rinn by April 18th. No late drawings will be accepted.

Any senior interested in singing at graduation – tryouts will be May 9th. Spring Break is a good time to find your music. Remember music must be accompaniment ONLY!

Tomorrow is the last day for spirit week and it’s Hawaiian Day! Let’s get ready for spring break adventures!

LUNCH TOMORROW: Variety Pizza Flavors, Homestyle or Spicy Chicken, Fresh Vegetables and Slushie Cup.


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