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BCMS Announcements – April 11, 2019

  • Attention Track Athletes – there is no track practice today.
  • There’s a dance after school today and it ends at 4:00 p.m.  Cost is $3 to enter and there will be pop and pizza for sale.  Pop is 50 cents a cup and the pizza is $1.50 per slice.  
  • Friday is hat day!  Students can pay $1.00 and wear a hat to school on Friday.  The proceeds towards the ABC 12 Spirit Cup Food Drive.
  • Donuts will be for sale Friday morning for $1.00.
  • Thursday, April 18th is a half day of school.  BCMS will dismiss at 10:30 a.m.  There is no school on Friday, April 19th.
  • The Yearbook Cover Contest ends on Friday.  All entries are due to the office by the end of the day.
  • Wednesday, April 24th is the last day for the food drive.  Thank you for contributing!  
  • Please encourage your student to check lost and found.  There are several sweatshirts, hats, lunch boxes, and shoes.
  • Report cards will be sent home on Monday, April 15th with all students.

8th Grade Science & Social Studies M-Step testing

April 16th & 17th:  8th grade Science M-Step

April 23rd & 24th:  8th grade Social Studies M-Step

Testing will take place during the student’s science and social studies class.  Parents, please help us by not picking up your student during testing hours.  Thank you for your help and cooperation, we appreciate it.

Upcoming M-Step Testing for 6th & 7th Grade

  • Tuesday, April 30th:  7:40 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
  • Wednesday, May 1st:  7:40 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
  • Parents, please help us by not picking up your student early during testing hours.  Students need to arrive on time and be present during testing hours.  If a student is late, they will not be allowed to take the test at the scheduled time.  Students will have to take the test during a make-up session.  It’s much easier for students to test during their scheduled time.  Thank you for your help and cooperation, we appreciate it.


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