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BCHS Announcements 4-16-19

April 16, 2019

Tomorrow is Yummy Treat Wednesday! Bring your dollar for a special dessert at lunch.

Prom tickets will be sold tomorrow at lunch, then again Monday through Wednesday of next week. Please be ready with your money and completed guest pass.

Seniors, are you interested in singing at graduation? Sign up with Ms. Rinn or Mrs. Brown by May 6th. Auditions will be on May 9th, and you must be performance ready. Remember music must be accompaniment ONLY.

MSU St. Andrews is offering incredible Summer Research Internships. The internship is an eight-week, forty-hour per week, paid position and eligible to current high school juniors. Internship opportunities available include research projects in chemical or material sciences, learning modern computer coding languages, or participating in a professional writing program. Visit MSU St. Andrews website at: https://standrews.msu.edu/ for more information.

Are you interested in a fun camp this summer related to your career goal? Midland County ESA is hosting several camp opportunities which include: agriculture, culinary arts, construction trades, healthcare, and computer decoding technology. Stop by the Lancer Lounge to pick up a flyer.

Attention all Women’s Basketball and Volleyball players or anyone interested in participating in Women’s basketball or Volleyball, information on open gyms and summer camps is now available from Coach Freeland in room 7D.

LUNCH TOMORROW: Nachos w/Meat & Cheese, Nugget & Tot Boat, Refried Beans, Assorted Vegetable Toppings and Applesauce Jello.

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