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BCHS Announcements 4-29-19

Delta College Orientation Day is tomorrow. If you are attending, you must bring a valid photo ID with you. Please also remember to check in with your teachers for your missed work.

Attention Seniors- the following announcements are for you! 

Want to win some cool college swag? Drop off a copy of your college acceptance letter to the box in the Lancer Lounge by this Thursday.

Decision Day is this Friday! We will be celebrating all of the seniors who have made the decision to go to college, trade school, or the military. In honor of Decision Day, Friday will be college gear day! Wear college gear to show your support.

Seniors, please stop by the Lancer Lounge and check the Decision Day list to make sure you are signed up to participate, you don’t want to miss it!

Please remember to get your money to Mrs. Brown or Mrs. Rinn for the All Night Party, Graduation Pictures, and Presentation Flowers. The last day to order flowers is Friday, May 17th.  No late orders will be accepted and there will not be any available to purchase on the night of graduation.  

Also- Yearbook will be accepting more pictures for the Senior Slideshow THIS WEEK ONLY! Send in your Prom, Spring Break or any other throwback pictures! You can email them to Ella Lindgren or Mrs. Discher.

LUNCH TOMORROW: Baked Pot Pie Over Biscuits, Chili w/Biscuit, Corn, Fresh Fruit & Frozen Sherbet Cup.

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