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BCHS Announcement 5-3-19

May 3, 2019

Attention HERO members: We are meeting today after school in Mr. Korson’s room. The books that you chose will be in and ready for you to dedicate to our library. Please come and see what we purchased! We will also have a poetry lesson.

Attention ALL students: It’s time for the No Detention Convention breakfast. The date of the breakfast is Tuesday, May 7th and will be held during your first hour. This special breakfast is for students who have not received any type of detention, suspension, or referral for things such as cheating and plagiarism this school year. Please check the window outside the main office to see if you are eligible to attend the breakfast. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Tomko.

Attention Seniors: Remember to get your money to Mrs. Brown or Mrs. Rinn for the All Night Party, graduation pictures, and presentation flowers. The last day to order flowers is Friday, May 17th. No late orders will be accepted and there will not be any available to purchase on the night of graduation.

Hey Juniors!  Would you like to participate in an all-expenses paid five-day, four-night summer camp? Our local Rotary Club is sponsoring three scholarships for Midland County students to attend their leadership training program. You will meet with teens from throughout the state and participate in challenge courses, problem solving games, outdoor adventures, and team building activities. If you are interested in applying, please see Mrs. Brown.

That escalated quickly!! Only TWENTY copies of the 2018-2019 Lancer Shield Yearbook remain!! Don’t miss your chance to reserve your yearbook NOW! Pick up an order form in the main office or in Mrs. Discher’s room or order online before time runs out! Congratulations to Erika Cianek! Her guess of 132 pieces of candy was the closest to the actual number of goodies, 135, in our Lancer Shield Candy jar! You can pick up your delicious winnings in Mrs. Discher’s room, 5E.

Did you know that a single JUUL pod contains as much nicotine as a pack of cigarettes? Other larger cartridges contain even more. And, the nicotine in an e-cigarette pod is much more concentrated than in traditional cigarettes, so it takes less time for users to become hooked.

LUNCH MONDAY: Max Sticks & Marinara, Turkey & Cheese Sub, Green Beans, Fresh Fruit or Diced Peaches.

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