Dear BCMS Families,
Just a quick note to remind you of a few things before the first day of school.
* First day – Tuesday, September 3rd.
-Building opens at 7:00am.
-Students may enter the hallways at 7:25am.
-End of the day dismissal is at 2:25pm.
*On the first day of school students will pick up an additional copy of their schedule from a teacher located in the care center. Teachers will be in the hallways throughout all passing times helping students find classes, open lockers and answer questions.
*Students who are riding buses – please have your child waiting at the bus stop 15 mins before the scheduled pick up time – please be patient during these first few days while drivers are adjusting to the new routes.
*All bus passes will need to be in writing and turned into the office. If email is easier, please send the request to the following 3 people…
*Parent/student pick up and drop off will be BUSY during the first week of school while families get into a routine. Please be patient and expect a 5-10 minute wait. Please use the north entrance for drop off/pick up, drive slow and be safe. If you need extra time, please use the parking area.
If you have any questions, please call the office for help.
*Over the summer our building received a grant from Trinseo, who donated time, skills and funding to complete a patio project at BCMS. A team of volunteers, participating in Trinseo’s Volunteer Days, created an outdoor space where students can enjoy eating and learning outdoors. I want to thank Trinseo, and this team of great volunteers, for completing this project.
Enjoy the holiday weekend and we look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday.
Curt Moses