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BCMS First Day Reminders

Dear BCMS Families,
We’ve made it through the first day of the new school year.  I’m sure your child will have plenty to share with you tonight at dinner.  Just in case they’re not in the mood for chatting, let me share some important information…
1.  Registration forms and handbooks were passed out today during AC.  Please sign and return the last page of the handbook in addition to the registration form.  We would like those 2 forms back as soon as possible.
2.  If you would like your student to attend The Rock after school program, please be sure and call The Rock to register  AND write the BCMS office to request a bus pass.
3.  Thank you for being patient during drop off/pick up times.  This time will continue to be busy for the rest of the week as families get adjusted to the process.
4.  Girls Volleyball is having tryouts this week after school.  We’re still looking for girls to participate.  If you have a daughter interested in playing volleyball, it’s not too late.
5.  This week we’ll be signing students up for the Robotics program.  Flyers will be available in the office.
Have a great rest of the week.
Curt Moses

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