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BCMS Announcements – September 10, 2019

  • Students, please return Registration Forms and Handbook forms for school.
  • September 10 – Cross Country TVC Jamboree @ Wicks Park.  Race time is 5:30 p.m.
  • September 13 – Half Day!  BCMS Dismisses at 10:30 p.m.
  • September 25 – Picture Day!  Picture forms were sent home with students the first week of school.
  • Students, if you are attending the BCHS football game on Friday night, please don’t bring any footballs or any other sports ball. 
  • The first Robotics meeting s today after school.  Students will meet in Mrs. Johnson’s room, room 303.  The meeting ends at 4:45 p.m.

** Spirit Week, September 16 – September 20! **

  • Spirit Week is next week! This is each grade level’s first chance to earn points towards the Spirit Award.  Dress up, show your spirit and earn points for your grade.  The last three years have been won by the 8th grade. Monday: Magical Monday— wear your Disney themed outfits!  Dress as your favorite character. Tuesday: Team Tuesday — show your team spirit for your favorite sports team! 

    Wednesday: Wild West Wednesday— round up your favorite Western duds! 

    Thursday: Throwback Thursday — Dress in the fashions of the decades! 

    Friday: Football Fan Friday — Dress in your black and gold and show that Creek Spirit! 


    ** Make sure all outfits follow the school dress code.  Hats will be allowed during Spirit Week, but they need to apply to the theme of that day.  If they do not, you will be asked to remove the hat. 

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