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BCHS Announcements 9/17/19

September 17, 2019

Attention Juniors and Seniors don’t forget Northwood is holding  College Night tonight 6-7:30 pm at the Hach Student Activity Center. If you plan on attending look for Miss Gross to get your name entered in a drawing for your chance to win some college swag.

Attention Softball players- open hitting is tonight at 5:00 in the Dickey Dome.

Attention Student Council- we will have a meeting tomorrow morning at 7am in Mrs. DuBois’ room. Please be on time and ready to go! 

Would you like to be a part of a club that helps others in our community?  Do you have a giving heart to volunteer?  Creekers for a Cause is a club that does both of these, and we are accepting new members.  Come to our next meeting on Friday at 7:20 am in the Lancer Lounge.  If you ride the bus and arrive after 7:20, just stop in and join us when you arrive.

Seniors, scholarships were recently updated on the Counseling page on BC’s website and on the bulletin board in D-wing.  Get a jump start on earning scholarship money.

Juniors and Seniors listen up. There will be several colleges visiting next week.  Michigan Tech will be here on Monday, Sept 23 at 8:30 am.  Grand Valley will  also be here on Monday, Sept 23 at 12:30.  Spring Arbor University will be here on Wednesday, Sept 25 at 8:40 am.  CMU will be here on Thursday, Sept 26 at 10:00 am.  And last  but not least, Ferris will be here on Friday, Sept 27 at 2:00 pm.  Sign up in the counseling office if you would like to meet with any of these representatives.

Juniors and Seniors, if you are interested in being part of the Project 111 safe driving campaign, there is still time to sign up. Go to project111.org and follow the prompts on their website.

Project 111 wants you to be safe when you drive. If you find yourself in a position where you are transporting friend, Project 111 wants you to remember to stay focused, keep your eyes on the road, and keep your mind on the road. Remember, as the driver, it is your job to make sure everyone in your car is buckled. If you your passenger isn’t buckled, you get the ticket and pay the fine!

The unfortunate reality is that teens buckle up far less frequently than adults. Recent studies show that seat belt usage amongst teens is the lowest of any age group. The majority (58 percent) of young people 16 to 20 years old involved in fatal crashes were unbuckled.

Hey Homecoming Dance-Goers! Tickets are on sale through Thursday. Tickets are $12 a person or $20 a couple. If you are bringing a guest from another school, you must have a guest pass filled out when you purchase your tickets.

Homecoming T-Shirts are on sale during both lunch hours! T-Shirts will be $10.00 each. Show your Lancer spirit and purchase a shirt and wear on Black and Gold day.

Hey Lancers…The powderpuff attendee results are in!

In 4th place are the seniors;

In 3rd place are the freshman;

Second place are sophomores;

And finally, in 1st place,- THE JUNIORS!!

Teachers…please hold onto your spirit week dress up counters! They will be collected Friday Morning during first hour!!!

Creekers, are you ready to fight for the spirit flag? Show you homecoming spirit this week and help your class win!

Wednesday is Christmas in September. Get on Santa’s nice list by wearing your best holiday attire.

Thursday: Dress to Impress, Catch cupid’s eye by wearing your best. 

Friday is the classic Black and Gold Day! Show you are crazy for the Creek by wearing your black and gold.

LUNCH TOMORROW: Chicken nuggets & gravy, hot sandwich choice, roll & jelly, fresh fruit & chilled diced peaches.

All Homecoming court members, please come to the office to discuss the parade.

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