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BCMS News & Notes

Dear BCMS Families,
Here are a few important things to know…
1.  October 3rd – School Dance 2:30-4:00.  Admission $3.00, Pizza $1.50, Pop $0.50.  Please pick up using both the North and South parking lot loops, this will help with traffic flow.  We encourage everyone to stay for the Curriculum night following the dance.
2.  October 3rd – See attachment for the BCMS Curriculum night.  This event has been scheduled immediately following a school dance, we expect that many students will stay and run through the program with their parents.
3.  Homecoming Parade this Friday – for those BCMS students walking in the parade, please see attachment.
4.  General Homecoming information from the high school…
*Homecoming Parade – Friday, September 20 – Begins at 4:30 p.m. from the
    corner of Stewart and Patterson Road.
*Homecoming shirts are being sold during lunches on Friday. They are $10 a shirt.
*If you are dropping someone off at the parade, please do not drive down
    Patterson Road. This is where all of the floats will be set up and cars should not be
    driving on this road.  You may drop students off at the corner of Stewart and
    Patterson Road and then they will be directed to their correct location for the
    parade line up. There is limited parking at the church on the corner of Stewart and
*Bus Shuttle – there will be a bus that will transport people in the parade from the
    high school to the beginning of the parade route. If you are in the parade route,
    this is an excellent way to get to the parade and avoid the traffic. The busses will
    begin to transport people at approximately 4:00 p.m. The busses will leave from
    in front of the main office area.
*This year there will not be any food trucks set up after the parade. Please feel
    free to bring your own food for tailgating. During the game, the concession stand
    will have a full menu of food items.
*Homecoming Football Game – Friday, September 20 – 7:00 p.m. versus Ithaca.
This is a busy week filled with activities.  Please stay safe and have fun.
Curt Moses


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