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BCHS Announcements 9/20/19

September 20, 2019

Juniors and Seniors, if you are interested in being part of the Project 111 safe driving campaign, there is still time to sign up. Go to project111.organd follow the prompts on their website.

Project 111 wants you to be safe when you drive. If you find yourself in a position where you are transporting friend, Project 111 wants you to remember to stay focused, keep your eyes on the road, and keep your mind on the road. Remember, as the driver, it is your job to make sure everyone in your car is buckled. If you your passenger isn’t buckled, you get the ticket and pay the fine!

The unfortunate reality is that teens buckle up far less frequently than adults. Recent studies show that seat belt usage amongst teens is the lowest of any age group. The majority (58 percent) of young people 16 to 20 years old involved in fatal crashes were unbuckled.

Juniors and Seniors listen up. There will be several colleges visiting next week.  Michigan Tech will be here on Monday, Sept 23 at 8:30 am.  Grand Valley will  also be here on Monday, Sept 23 at 12:30.  Spring Arbor University will be here on Wednesday, Sept 25 at 8:40 am.  CMU will be here on Thursday, Sept 26 at 10:00 am.  And last  but not least, Ferris will be here on Friday, Sept 27 at 2:00 pm.  Sign up in the counseling office if you would like to meet with any of these representatives.

Congratulations to Ethan Korson. He was selected by his classmates to represent the Bullock Creek’s Class of 2020 as our D.A.R. Good Citizen. He was chosen based on his outstanding characteristics of leadership, dependability, service, and  patriotism. He will have the opportunity to compete for a regional scholarship. Way to go Ethan!

It was recently announced that Elli Gustincic has been named a Semifinalist in the 2020 National Merit Scholarship Program. Elli is among an elite group of seniors who performed exceptionally well on the PSAT/NMSQT. She will have the opportunity to advance to additional scholarship competitions. Congrats Elli!

Hey Lancers!!  The results are in.

‘Merica Monday’s spirit day winners are: the Freshmen!

Trick or Treat Tuesday’s spirit day winners are: the Seniors!

Christmas in September spirit day winners are: the Juniors!

Dress to Impress spirit day winners are: the Seniors!

And finally, Black and Gold spirit day winners are…..the Juniors!

When these results are added to the other parts of spirit week where the juniors won hallway decorating and powderpuff attendance, they are the official winners of this years homecoming spirit week and win the spirit flag!! Congratulations Juniors!

LUNCH MONDAY: Cheese bread w/marinara, tenders & tots, green beans, fresh & cupped fruit.

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