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BCHS Announcement 10/7/19

October 7, 2019

Attention Softball Players: There will be an important meeting in room 5D at 7:30 am tomorrow morning. If you plan on playing in the spring, please be there!

Hey Lancers!  October is National Cancer Awareness Month. Help support this great cause by purchasing a pink hair tie at lunch Tuesday, and Wednesday for $1.  

Support our awesome volleyball teams, and those battling cancer, by wearing pink to school on Wednesday. That evening will be a Pink Out, and they would love for you to attend their games and support this important cause. Hope to see you there!

Do you want to help saves lives? When you donate blood, you can save as many as three people with only one pint of blood! If you want to get in on this action, you can sign up for our upcoming Blood Drive on October 10th in the office today. NHS will also have a table available for you to sign up during lunches until next Wednesday. When you sign up, be sure to list the teacher and release time! Here are the requirements to donate: You must be 16 years old to donate and have a green consent form, with a parent signature, returned to the office by Wednesday, October 9th. Also, boys must weigh 110 lbs. and girls 120 lbs. Please remember to bring a photo ID and eat a healthy breakfast that day. Please consider saving a life!

Hey Juniors and Seniors –  A representative from the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor will be here for a visit this Thursday at 10:30. Next week, a rep from Alma College will be here on Monday, October 14 at 8:30 am; a rep from Northwood University will be here on Tuesday, October 15 at 1:30, and a rep from Eastern Michigan University will be here on Thursday, October 17 at 12:40. If you would like to meet with any of these representatives, please sign up in the counseling office.

Attention all Bullock Creek students! Be prepared for College Trivia Thursdays. Every Thursday in October there will be a new trivia question on the announcements. Raise your hand and be the first person to answer this question in your class. If you do, you will be entered in a raffle to win a $10 Starbucks Gift Card or some college swag. For more details see Miss Gross in the counseling office.

Ready for more information on the dance this Friday? Here it is!! ALL Bullock Creek students are welcome! It will start after the football game, approximately 9:30 pm and will end at 11 pm. Admission is $5 at the door. Remember it’s informal – so come as you are! School dress code appropriate!

LUNCH TOMORROW: Taco Tuesday! Chicken, Beef or Fish, Taco Shell, Salsa, Tomato, Chopped Romaine, Cheese, Black Beans, Fresh Fruit or Slushie.

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