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BCHS Announcements 10/15/19

October 15, 2019

Due to Parent-Teacher Conferences, ASI will NOT be held today. We will meet tomorrow, Wednesday, October 16th, from 2:50-4:05.

Student Council will be meeting tomorrow at 7:00 am in Ms DuBois’ room. Please bring your t-shirt order and money to the meeting.

Tomorrow is Yummy Treat Wednesday. We will have delicious peanut butter squares, no bakes, and chocolate chips cookies for $1.00 each.

Attention Seniors:  Are you looking for volunteer hours to put on scholarship applications? This Saturday from 2:00 until 8:30, the senior class is running the concession stand at the Youth Football games. If you are interested in volunteering, see Mrs. Rinn in 2D.  

Hey Juniors and Seniors: A representative from Delta College will be here on Wednesday, October 23rd at 1:00 and a rep. from the University of Alabama will be here on Thursday, October 24th at 10:30.  On Friday, October 25th at 10:30, a representative from GMCA will be here to meet with any student that may be interested in a technical career.  Sign up in the counseling office if you are interested in any of these opportunities.

Attention tennis players: We will have open tennis this Thursday, October 17th, after school right here on our home courts. A little practice now goes a long way later! 

LUNCH TOMORROW: Chicken Nuggets w/Potatoes & Gravy, Roll & Jelly, Fresh or Chilled Fruit. 

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