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BCHS Announcements 10/22/19

October 22, 2019

Tomorrow is Yummy Treat Wednesday.  Don’t forget to bring $1 for a wonderful dessert!

Hey Juniors and Seniors: A representative from the University of Alabama will be here on Thursday at 10:30. On Friday at 10:30, a representative from GMCA will be here to meet with any student that may be interested in a technical career. Mid Michigan College will be here next Monday, October 28th at 9:00. On Tuesday, October 29th, a rep. from Calvin University will be here at 10:30 and a U.S. Army recruiter will be here at 12:40 to talk with students. This is NOT a lunch visit. Oakland University will be here on Thursday, October 31st at 8:30. If you would like to meet with any of these representatives, please sign up in the counseling office.

Attention: There will be a winter sport meeting for anyone interested in playing a winter sport on Tuesday,  October 29th. The sign up sheets are in the main office on Mrs. Huntoon’s desk.  If you are not signed up you will not be allowed to attend.

Seniors, the MLK Jr. Scholarship deadline is rapidly approaching.  Get your application submitted by October 31st.

Would you like to attend a summer engineering camp free of charge at Michigan Technological University? If you are in 9th-11th grade and have an interest in engineering, the Engineering Exploration Scholarship is for you. Stop by the Lancer Lounge to pick up a flyer with more details.

Friday is Black & Gold Day! Support our Lancers by wearing black and gold to school this Friday.

LUNCH TOMORROW: BC Bowl Day! Popcorn Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy & Cheese in a Bowl, Roll, Fresh or Diced Fruit. 

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