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10/22/2019 – Pine River Principal News

I would like to remind you of Parent/Teacher Conferences this evening and Thursday evening of this week.  If you have not yet signed up for a time, please contact your child’s teacher.
School pictures will be sent home early next week.  Retakes are scheduled for Friday, November 1.  This will be for any student who was absent on the original picture date, or for those who need to retake their picture.  If you are planning on having your child retake their picture, you need to send in the original package of photos.
For your planning purposes – the next Professional Development day for teacher is Tuesday, November 5.  This is a full day professional development and there will be no school for students on this date.
Attached are the following flyers:
*Family Astronomy and Telescope Night October 22
*Bullock Creek Area Business Association annual fundraiser flyer
*Nature at Night at Chippewa Nature Center
Have a wonderful week!
Debra Bradford

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