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BCHS Announcements 10/25/19

October 25, 2019

Seniors, don’t forget that voting for Senior Hall of Fame ends today!

BCHS Drama Club presents a night of zombies with Night of the Living Dead and 10 Ways to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse tonight and Saturday at 7:00 pm and Sunday at 2:00 pm. Admission is $5 at the door. Hope to see you there!

Attention athletes- If you are interested in playing a winter sport, there will be a Winter Sport Meeting on Tuesday,  October 29th. The sign up sheets are in the main office on Mrs. Huntoon’s desk.  If you are not signed up you will not be allowed to attend.

Hey Juniors and Seniors- Mid Michigan College will be here Monday, October 28th at 9:00. On Tuesday, October 29th, a rep. from Calvin University will be here at 10:30 and a U.S. Army recruiter will be here at 12:40 to talk with students. This is NOT a lunch visit. Oakland University will be here on Thursday, October 31st at 8:30. If you would like to meet with any of these representatives, please sign up in the counseling office.

Because of the high risk of death when teens drive with teens in their car…Project 111 wants all teens to think about being  better riders! We want all of you to be a great rider and help your driver out. Here are some ideas:

Work hard NOT to distract the driver.

Ask to manage their phone for them or just remind them to not check notifications while they drive.Texting while driving kills 11 teens every day in America. Make sure the driver never EVER texts while driving. You can man the phone for them!

Be an extra set of eyes. Instead of being a distraction, be aware, alert, and in-tune to what the driver is doing and what is going on outside the car. Being and extra set of eyes can prevent an accident and possibly save lives.

Make sure you buckle up! Again, research shows that when teens are together in a car they often forget their seatbelt. YOU can work to make SURE everyone in the car in is buckled up!

Hey Lancers! Halloween is next week and it is time to prepare your costumes! Our spirit days for the second half of next week are:

Wednesday is VSCO girls v Eboy’s day! Time to get out your scrunchies and hydroflasks!

Thursday is Halloween so wear your costumes! Remember, teachers and staff want to see your smiling faces so no masks and dress school appropriate!

Friday is PJ Day because you were out getting candy so late that it’s time for a nap! We can’t wait to see all or your costumes!

Student Council Fundraising and Spirit Committee, please do not forget our meeting Monday after school! See you there!

Attention Seniors the winner of the Keurig for Michigan College Months Hunger Game Challenge is Olivia Golden. Congrats Olivia please head down to the counseling office to claim your prize.

Hey Lancers the answer to this weeks College Trivia was… Western Michigan University! Your winners are Alayna Chadwick, Maxton Herst, and Nathan Laplow. Could the winners please make their way down to the Counseling Office to claim your prizes.

LUNCH MONDAY: Bosco Sticks w/Marinara or Hot Sandwich Choice, Fresh Cauliflower & Broccoli, Fresh Fruit or Diced Pears.

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