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BCMS – Halloween (Reminders)

Dear BCMS Families,
Halloween falls on Thursday this week and we want to extend the invitation to all students to wear their costume to school on that day.  Students are welcome to dress up and enjoy the day.  Please make sure all costumes are ‘school appropriate’.  That means all costumes must still meet the dress code.  No blood and guts, weapons or masks.
1.  PT Conferences,  October 29th 3:00-6:30pm
2.  Halloween concert will be held at the BCHS Auditorium, October 29th @ 7:00pm
3.  Students will be going to the HS in the afternoon of October 30th to attend the concert.  Dismissal will be from the HS at the end of the day.  Students riding buses will leave from there and those getting picked up will be waiting at the HS.  Girls trying out for basketball will have the option to ride a bus back to the MS for practice.
Have a great week!
Curt Moses

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