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BCMS Announcements – December 18, 2019

  • 7th & 8th grade Girls Basketball Game! The last game of the season is tonight!  The Lady Lancers play against St. Charles.  The game starts at 4:30 p.m at BCMS.
  • December Dance Canceled!  Please note BCMS will not have a school dance in December.
  • Winter Break!  December 23rd – January 3rd.  Classes resume on Monday, January 6, 2020.

Christmas Spirit Week is NEXT WEEK! (December 16th – 20th)

  • Thursday is Awkward Family Photo Day. Get a group of friends together and dress alike for those awesome holiday card photos!  Check the Now Showing board for ideas! 
  • Friday we round it out with Red, Green and White day.  8th grade wear red, 7th grade wear green and 6th grade wear white. 

Remember, all spirit day outfits need to be school appropriate and follow the dress code!  

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