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Jan 7, 2020 – Pine River Principal News


Pine River Elementary Families,
Welcome back!  It is so good to see all of the students again.
For those of you who have children attending Wonderful Wednesday at Messiah – the program begins tomorrow.  Students MUST have a written note tomorrow morning from a parent for permission to ride the bus to Messiah.  If your child will be attending the program, please be sure to send in the bus pass request.
Attached you will find information regarding a Love and Logic class being offered at no cost at Floyd Elementary.  If you are interested, please see the flyer.
Please be aware of the following dates:
January 17:                PTO Popcorn & Spirit Stick Sale ($1)
January 24:                ½ PD Day (Students released at 12:05 p.m.)
January 27:                No School
February 1:                PTO Carnival
February 6 & 11:        Parent Teacher Conferences
February 11 & 12:      Scholastic Book Fair
February 14:              ½ PD Day (Students released at 12:05 p.m.)
                                  Valentine Parties
February 21:              PTO Popcorn & Spirit Stick Sale ($1)
Have a wonderful week!
Debra Bradford

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