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Today at BCMS

No 2H today.

Thank you to all the staff that decorated there doors they all look wonderful!  Great job!  The students voted for the favorite, it was hard to choose-1st place Mrs. Fermoyle, 2nd Place Mr. Habitz, 3rd place Mrs. Johnston

Congratulations to the Bullock Creek Middle School sixth graders.  They were able to change the world for the better by purchasing a llama for a family in need in South America.  This llama will provide valuable wool to sell, make blankets, or make clothes for the receiving family.  Great job 6th grade!  Thus far, Bullock Creek Middle School has purchased a water buffalo (this year’s 7th graders) and a llama for Heifer International.  Joy to the world!

Northwood University Volleyball Basic Individual Skills Camp forms are in the office.  Camp dates are January 7th & 14th.

Students be sure to take water bottles or any other food containers home or they will be thrown away during break.

“Centershot” Archery classes start Jan. 29th, stop in the office for more information and forms.

Winter Break (no school) starts on Friday, December 23 and students come back on Tuesday, January 3.2012.

Lunch on Tuesday, January 3, 2012: Tacos, Chicken Noodle Soup with grilled cheese, green beans, and Fresh Fruit & Vegetables, Milk.

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