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BCHS Announcement 1/28/20

January 28, 2020

All Student Council members:  We have a meeting tomorrow at 7:00 am. See you there!

Attention Girls Bowling Team:  Please bring your uniform to practice tomorrow for a team picture for the yearbook. 

Hey Seniors! A representative from the University of Michigan – Flint will be here for a visit on Thursday, February 6th at 10:00 am. If you would like to meet with her on that day, sign up in the Counseling Office.

Heads up Juniors!  If you have any interest in a Work Based Learning Position (also known as Co-Op) for the 2020/21 school year Mr. Long will be hosting an informational meeting this Thursday during 5th hour in the Auditorium.  If you would like to attend please sign up in the Counseling Office.

Any senior interested in creating a design for the shield to hang in the senior hall, must have their idea turned in the Mrs. Murray or Mrs. Rinn by February 14th.

The FAFSA competition is over between the ENG 12 classes – and the final scores are posted on the bulletin board in D-wing. Congratulations to Mrs. Discher’s 6th hour class! If you still haven’t filled out your FAFSA it’s not too late. Ms. Gross will be holding “FAFSA Fridays” in the MacLab every Friday thru February. There will also be one more chance for anyone who files their FAFSA by March 1st to be entered to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card!

Lunch Tomorrow: Bosco Sticks w/Marinara or Spicy or Homestyle Chicken on a Bun, Fresh Spinach, Romaine, Carrots & Peppers, Fresh Fruit or Diced Peaches.

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